Selasa, 09 Juli 2013



The Heirs - Korean Drama


    The Heirs-p001.jpg
  • Drama: The Heirs / The One Trying to Wear the Crown, Withstand the Weight – The Heirs (literal title)
  • Revised romanization: Wangkwoneul Sseuryeoneunja, Keumugyeruel Kyeondyeora - Sangsokjadeul
  • Hangul: 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 (working title)
  • Director: Kang Shin-Hyo
  • Writer: Kim Eun-Sook
  • Network: SBS
  • Episodes: 20
  • Release Date: October 9, 2013 --
  • Runtime: Wed. & Thu. 21:55
  • Genre: Romance
  • Language: Korean
  • Country: South Korea


"The Heirs" depicts the friendships and love lives of high school students from wealthy families.


  1. "The Heirs" takes over the Wednesday & Thursday 21:55 time slot previously occupied by "The Master's Sun" and will be followed by "Man from the Stars December, 2013.
  2. Singer/actor Jung Yong-Hwa from Kpop group "CN BLUE" was originally cast as one of the main supporting characters, but dropped out of the project. According to his management company FNC Entertainment, differences between between production company Hwa & Dam Pictures and FNC Entertainment over Jung Yong-Hwa's character could not be mutually satisfied.


I bet you guys can't wait any longer to watch this drama! *smirk* 







G. R. D

Senin, 08 Juli 2013

I'm BACK!!!! * WARNING!!! Cidih, Cenang, Galau jadi satu di post inii ;P #panjangbangetjudulnya-_-



Long time no see :__)
It has been a long long time i didn't post anything. Even a dot ( . ). I didn't post since hmm... let me check, well HAHA since JANUARY 2012!! HAHAHAHA =))
Hiks, it does been a long time hiks :"") 

You know lah I'm a very - very busy person. So, ya gitu dech :P

TIME'S UP for basa-basi yang basi(?)

Serius demi apah?! BENTAR LAGI PUASA MASBROOOO!!! Dalam hitungan 24 jam lagi (gatautubenerapaenggaktinggal24jamlagi) :p

HUAAAAAAAAAAA *banjir Jakarta*

Okay, de. Take a deep breath.... And... Fuuh...

hiks.. Tanggal 10 puasa. Tanggal 11 nya aku mulai masuk sekolah. Hiks :') liburan selama kurang lebih 2 bulan terasa begitu..................... SINGKAT.... #PLAK

Hehee pada gatau yaaa ;;p aku sekarang udah jadi anak putih abu - abu loooh ;;)
Tanggal 11 is THE NEW BEGINNING OF EVERYTHING! Mama always ngasih tau that I HAVE TO CHANGE!

Kira - kira seperti ini percakapan saya dan mama saya.....

Mama : bentar lagi SMA loh kamu. SMA pokoknya harus berubah!
Aku : Berubah? *berimajinasi* *ngomong dalam hati* apakah saya bisa berubah? Saya bukan power rangers.....
                Saya juga bukan clark ken yang bisa berubah from this....

  into this  

lalu bagaimana saya bisa berubah?

*ends of imagining*

*ends of conversations*


Okay, okay fine. I'LL TRY MY BEST TO CHANGE!

LALALALA~ sekarang beralih ke masa - masa liburan yang dimulai pada tanggal 26 April 2013.....

Day 1: setelah sholat subuh dan tidur lagi, of course saya bangun pukul 10am *prokprokprok* gak langsung mandi, ini sudah PASTI. Gosok gigi PASTI. Cuci muka? NO. Muka saya sudah seperti miss world meski bangun tidur dan gak cuci muka :p *pede amat ni orang-_-  Langsung ke dapur minum air putih dan cari makanan, ga berharap sarapan hanya something delicious yang bisa aku chew saat nonton tv. Nonton tv sampe papa pulang dari kantor itu jam 12.15 siang. Nungguin adzan zuhur jam 12.30 siang abis itu baru mandi. After that, sholat zuhur, hmm abis itu gak langsung makan siang. Nonton lagi kalo enggak nge-date sama pacar-handphone kesayangan. kalo udah denger adzan ashar, sholat. madi sore jam 18.30. abis itu langsung sholat maghrib, jam 19.00 makan malam. 19.30 denger adzan isya. 20.00 sholat. nonton tv sambil ngemil, tidur jam 00.00.

Day 2, dan seterusnya sama kayak day 1 but bangun jam 11.00 - jam 14.00. Bedtime 00.00 - 05.00 hehe..

Dimarahin? iya, sering malah. And the worst was mama nyiram aku pas lagi tidur haha asik yah :)) berenang di kasur wks :"

bicara soal liburan, yang sampai sekarang i don't know exactly what's the meaning of "liburan", bisa dibilang aku itu GAK liburan. We (me,dad,mom,erica,surya) were not going anywhere, lebih tepatnya keluar kota... NOPEDY NOPEDY NOO. Kalau sekedar keluar rumah ngelilingin kota Duri tercinta ini sih ada. Dan tempat tujuan di Duri itu  yaa Mancy lah paling HAHAHAHHA=)) cidih yah saya :__) #pukpuk

Selama liburan iniii, saya GALAU tingkat AKUT!

Everything's Changes
1. Putih biru telah berubah menjadi putih abu - abu

2. LDR ( Long Distance Relationship )

3. I'm getting fat

Putih abu - abu~ Kata orang kalo udah putih abu - abu ituuu makin BESAR responsible nya. Yeah, itu pasti. makin SULIT pelajarannya. Not exactly, if we WANT to try to learn.

Gileee, aku bener - bener ga nyangka bakal ldr-an kayak yang lainnya :( padahal sebelumnya aku happy banget karna aku gak ldr, jadi different from the others gitu kaaan, saking happy nya aku ngejek temenku yang ldr-an hiks eh ternyataa, 2 minggu setelah prasidina, saya dikejutkan dengan kabar bahwa saya juga akan mengalami "ldr". Apa ini karma? Huaaaa :((
Fix, saya galau. Bener. Bener. Galau. Dia, who-must-not-be-named itu beda dari yang lain. Special. The. Most. Special. Person. Aside from my family of course. Dia paling ngertiin aku pake banget :( aku harap kita tetep kayak dulu yaa hunny bunny kuuu huhuhu :'* *FYI, aku belum pacaran

Padahal, plan aku itu bakal kurus pas liburan... Ya, banyak juga yang bilang ENGGAK MUNGKIN. Dan YAP you're 100% right. It was all because my pola makan yang kayak orang gilaa selama liburan-_- Makan nasi sih enggak, tapi ngemilnya itu loh yang gak nahan! 2 bulan terakhir ke Mancy selalu borong makanan-cemilan. Bahkan sempet ngeluarin 500ribu JUST FOR FOODS. Yap, trolley nya full sama yang namanya makanan - makanan enak untuk ngisi kulkas yang kelaparan dan hampir busung lapar! Bokap gue sampe ngucap Astaghfirullah al'adzim berkali - kali wkwk :)) Nyokap? SAMA. Tapi nyokap masi gapapa sih, malah sempet ketawa sama kami (aku,erica,surya) yang jadi tersangka belanja makanan sebanyak - banyaknya...  Lebih tepatnya, aku yang tersangka di sini. Sssstt... Ini rahasia kita! ;;) haha

Gak olahraga? ENGGAK. Selama 2 BULAN NGEJAMUR, NGELUMUT di rumah. Asap melanda Duri dan sekitarnya. IT WAS TOTALLY AWFUL. Bau asap segar menguar dari segala arah. Rumah tutupan semuaaa. Kalau keluar rumah, WAJIB MESTI HARUS KUDU pake masker. Even di dalam rumah, aku pake masker looh. Fashionable banget kaan meski di dalam rumah-_- And yes, karna asap, my plan for loosing fat wasn't work. THANKS TO YOU! yang bakarin hutan!

Apalagi ya? Aku bingung. No. Pusing. No. Lupa. Aku lupa apa aja peristiwa - peristiwa yang pernah terjadi selama "penjamuran" saya yang makan waktu 2 bulan lamanya~ Hmmmmh~

Tanggal 11 Juli masuk sekolah. New School, New Friends, New everything. Sempet menggila sama info kapan masuk sekolah. Some people bilang tanggal 8, ada juga yang bilang tanggal 9, trus 10, dan akhirnya mentok di tanggal 11 (?) Trus seragam. KAMI (siswa SMA tahun ajaran baru) masih BELUM TAU pake seragam apaan tu pas tanggal 11. AGAIN! Some people said that kami pake baju muslim bebas, yang lain bilang pake seragam. DAN, kalau misalnya pake SERAGAM, itu seragam yang mana satuuu? Ada *ngitung* 5 seragam yang kami punyaa. Yang mana satuuuuuu? Dan atas ketidakjelasan informasi tersebut saya dan teman saya sari, asik ber-line *promosi* ria ngebahas pake seragam atau baju muslim kah di hari ke 11 bulan Juli iniii. Dan kami telah memutuskan untuk memakai baju muslim. Dan. Kami harus merekrut orang untuk memakai baju muslim pula haha ;) oh iya lupa! *nepok jidat* saya belum membahas masalah sepatu :| aaaarggghhh iyaaa, ngga modis banget kan kalo pake baju muslim trus pake sepatu hitam sekolah? Ga bangeeeet-_- ya ga sih? Lucu aja gitu, bayangin nih yaa bajunya colorful or maybe floral pattern gimana gitu tapi sepatunya sepatu hitam #jleb ngga banget kan? Okay, besok bakal gue bahas lagi noh masalah sepatuuu. Wootwoot belum masuk SMA untuk pertama kali aja udah ribet bener. Semoga aja deh giliran udah bener - bener RESMI jadi anak SMA bakal dimudahin semua - semuanyaa~ Amiiin o:)

Hey! It's A TOTAL LATE! Sekarang udah jam 1.58  2.12 am. Time to sleep, I guess. Haha

Because ini udah pagi, well BONJOUR! *awkward banget ngetik bounjour di akhir posting-an haha


G. R. D

Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012

Tired Looking YoonA Returns to Korea

Tired Looking YoonA Returns to Korea

SNSD returned to Korea on January 13 after finishing up at the "Golden Disk Awards in Osaka."
In the photograph taken at Incheon Airport, YoonA is wearing a mod coat and clutching her cell phone, passport and bag. Her face looks tired and pale and her hair hangs limply around her face. She doesn't appear to be wearing any make-up. The previous day, SNSD took home their third Golden Disk Award.
Judging from this picture, YoonA needs some rest. SNSD has been busy jetting between Japan and Korea. This past December, SNSD released a Japanese version of "The Boys" and even appeared on New Year's Eve programming in Japan and Korea.
Netizens who saw the picture commented that even tired YoonA looks beautiful and "YoonA, Fighting!"

CNBLUE members reveal their graduation pictures


Ever wondered if the dashing boys of CNBLUE always enjoyed good looks? Well a recent broadcast ofMBC‘s “Section TV” revealed the members’ individual graduation photos, which proved that the boys were ladykillers even back in the day.
Capturing their unique personalities, the pictures varied from one other. One member looked as though he just woke up and took the picture, whereas another member smiled brightly for the camera. ForJung Yong Hwa’s picture, everyone agreed that he looks like a ‘son from a wealthy family’.
This broadcast also revealed pictures from their debut days. There wasn’t a big difference between now and back then, however, everyone noticed that the members all stared straight into the lens, as if they were going to drill a hole through the camera.
  Jung Yong Hwa oppa, saranghae ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

[[RE-POST]] Jung Yonghwa addresses rumors of relationship with Park Shin Hye

CNBLUE’s Jung Yonghwa addressed the rumors going around him and actress Park Shin Hye!
On June 23rd, MBC “Heartstrings” held a press conference. At the press conference, Jung Yonghwa stated, “Like my drama character Lee Shin, I never fell in love with a teacher nor professor.”
He continued and stated, “However I did have a one-sided love with a person who was about the same age as me so I know how hard it is to have a one-sided love. In ‘You’re Beautiful’, I was the character of Kang Shin Woo who had a one-sided love. Whenever the scripts came out, I always became sad because Kang Shin Woo never revealed his heart and true feelings. However, my new character is bold and confident. That’s why I really like him.”
Jung Yonghwa denied the rumors about him and fellow cast mate Park Shin Hye being in a relationship stating, “Shin Hye is like one of our members. I highly doubt I will ever date her.”

Park Min Young sports a ‘winter goddess’ look

Popular actress Park Min Young recently updated fans with a new selca photo revealing her changed hairstyle yet again.
On January 14th, Park Min Young tweeted, “Tada! It’s the long haired Min Young you haven’t observed in awhile~ have a great weekend everyone!
In the photo, Park Min Young can be seen with long brown hair, a big change since her latest drama,KBS‘s ‘Glorious Jane‘. The white fuzzy jacket also adds to the ‘winter goddess’ look, topped off with the always-cute V sign.
Netizens that viewed the photo exclaimed, “Is that a wig? Still beautiful!“, “Too adorable“, and “Short hair or long hair, you look beautiful sporting anything“.